Tuesday, September 18, 2012

eh ?

In the Name of Allah the Most Gracious and Merciful

back off anis syahirah back off
just back off.

jangan nak mencapub dalam masalah orang boleh tak ?
had enuff kan ?
learn from mistakes la budak.

oh jangan lupa doakan aku dan the rest nk g travel ni.
alahai, byk plk masalah trip ni.
doa je la selamat p selamat balik.

and you guys (parents,relatives, housemates, bff, you) pls remember that I lovee you.
mintak maaf salah silap.
pls tell my parents that I`m sorry for not being a good doter. mak abah are the best
macam tinggal wasiat pulak dah.

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