Saturday, April 28, 2012


In the Name of Allah the Most Gracious and Merciful

can you be my star ?
brighten my dark night ?

ok, merapu ape tah malam ni.


alyaa dah nak balik Malaysia. 
how sad tak dapat jumpe dia. 
nampak gaya jumpa 3 tahun lagi la.
 missing you a lot. 
sumpah tak tipu wey

I`m sorry faa, I cant keep the promise.
I tried but I fail 

syaa, can I go to yr place this summer break ?
can I can I ?
can lahh.

p/s : saya bukan dalam mode bersih nak main kuning2 ni. bintang tu hanyalah sekadar kebetulan. :)

Friday, April 27, 2012

kuning dan exam ?

In the Name of Allah the Most Gracious and Merciful

malam malam exam ni banyak pulak warna kuning. sakit mata oi. aku dah la x suka kuning. anti sikit. 

malam malam exam ni jugak ramai yang rase tak best. moga Allah bersama kalian dan jugak aku.

Ya Allah, make us strong. Please guide us the straight way. Rabbuna yusahhilna :)

Nyah kau perasaaan stress dan tak puas hati. Thank you twitter and jugak awak yang layan kerenah saya yang tah pape ni. hehe

tiket ou tiket. pening laaa :(

p/s : malas nak carik gamba 

Wednesday, April 25, 2012


In the Name of Allah the Most Gracious and Merciful

but I`m afraid if that someone will mistakenly misunderstanding your good intention.

I`m not being greedy but knowing by heart is not enough

enjoy this :D

*sorry I spoil this and I know it :D*

p/s : I need and I have to be neutral, please my dear heart !!

Saturday, April 21, 2012

final practical first year :)

In the Name of Allah the Most Gracious and Merciful

esok start exam practical final.

22th April 2012
Physiology Practical 

28th April 2012
Oral Histology Practical

5th May 2012
Anatomy Practical

dah rase bahang stress exam. moga tak stress sangat lah ye kali ni :)

dah tahu tak leh nak coop ngn stress, sila la beli chocs banyakbanyak ye :)
bak kate ada orang tu la kan, chocs increase level of serotonin, happy hormone.
senyum pon same. :))
overproduction of serotonin leads to euphoria. :D

*hypnotised diri sendiri*

rabbuna yusahhilna gigians.
Ya Allah, permudahkanlah urusan kami, jangan persulitkan. 
Rabbi yassir wala tua`ssir

moga Allah redha dengan segala usaha kami :)

Friday, April 20, 2012

let`s not.

In the Name of Allah the Most Gracious and Merciful

dengar lagu ni teringat pulak time dekat2 nak final dulu. time tengah emo gile macam hampeh tu. time tu emo sampai panjat bumbung sutur rumah tingkat lapan.

time tu petang, lepas asar. tibe2 je hilang takboleh dikesan oleh housemates lain. maap pergi menenangkan jiwa di atas bumbung sebentar. hoho

panjat bumbung sambil layan lagu ni. sekarang pon, kalau dengar lagu ni terus teringat zaman zaman final pre-dental ni. kadang-kadang sampai takboleh nak dengar pon. sedih punya pasal. hoho

lepas ni kalau emo teruk nak panjat bumbung macam mana ? dah pindah rumah. wuwuwu. harap2 jangan la emo yang melampau macam tahun lepas. sadis sungguh. ni la padahnya kalau tataw nak luah kat sape. haha. tak masal betul.

siyes, bila dengar lagu ni, rase sakit, sakit sangat. rase nak emo balik. tapi hold hold. jangan layan sangat feeling tu. haiyakkk

let`s not :) :(

Monday, April 16, 2012

saya hilang darahh.

In the Name of Allah the Most Gracious and Merciful

tibe2 rase nak update pasal blood donation. padahal dah berzaman dah baru nak update. biaselah, tahap kemalasan melebihi tahap kerajinan. hehe.

haa, ni nak habaq mai sat. 15-21 kalau x silap la. ni program gabungan PCT ngn DPMT. ustaz2 la maknanya kan. chop, that`s not the point. chop2 nak highlight jugak tengah2 program tu jugak, x masal2 aku dah tua sikit. sebab 18 mac tu birthday aku. hehe. 

alkisahnya, ingat nak donate blood la 18hb tu sempena dah cukup umo 20 tahun. orang cakap ape, nak la jugak bagi sumbangan untuk orang lain. tapi tup tup van darah tu x datang la pulak 18hb tu. dah frust mcm hape je. last2 20hb tu datang la jugak. so, grab the chance la. hehe. moga dengan darah aku tu, mungkin mampu menyelamatkan nyawa orang lain. kalau ye, alhamdulillah. :)

alaa, mase nak donate tu, TMT (Tanta Medical Team) ada bagi pamplet pasal kebaikan derma darah. tapi biase la anis syahirah ni. kertas tu main selit kat buku mane nth. last2 x jumpe dah. aigooo.

err,  kalau macam ni boleh tak ? nak letak jugak gmbar ni tapi nmpak tangan. so, blur mcm ni aci tak ? ke tak boleh jugak ? -.-

blood is filling up the so called container. hehe

ni haa darah aku. merah mak kau. :) alhamdulillah sihat2

lupe pulak nak state, jarum dia besar gilaaaa nak mati. mau pengsan. haha. dah la sebelum tu ada akak tu pengsan lepas derma darah. ade pulak yang lebam. mak aih, memang kus semangat la. nak give up pon ada rasenya. dah la ada orang tu janji nak teman, tapi lari x sanggup tengok jarum. HAHAHA. melukut di tepi gantang lagi. tapi once aku dah bertekad nak, teruskan je la walau ape pon yang melanda. ecewaah. alhamdulillah everything goes so well according to His plan. tade lebam tade pengsan semua. :) aku rase la kan semua ketakutan tu hanyalah mind set. once dah set mind tu takut, mmg takut la. tapi tu la anis syahirah. ketakutan untuk cakap kat depan tu tak boleh nk get over. sampai bila haa ? sampai bila ?

seingat aku la kan, kebaikan dia ;

mengetahui tahap kesihatan. ye la kalau tibe2 ada penyakit selama ni tataw ke, bila nk derma darah tu, dia wat check-up la. tengok kandungan haemoglobin bape, blood pressure bape etc2. so kalau ada penyakit tu bole la,  dapat kan further treatment

err, mengurangkan risiko sakit jantung ? sebab kandungan iron dalam darah berkurangan. iron ni oksidan yang meningkatkan free radical dalam tubuh. ooo, baru tahu sebab ape wanita kurang cenderung untuk dapat sakit jantung. sebab ape ? sebab wanita ada haid. so, kadar iron dalam badan tu hanyalah 300 mg berbanding lelaki yang kadar iron dalam badan 1000 mg. :) see wanitaa, bersyukur lah. 

lepas tu, merangsang badan untuk menghasilkan sel darah baru. so sel darah baru tu berupaya untuk bawak oksigen dengan lebih efektif.
*ceh, guna bahasa melayu*

ciri-ciri penderma darah. :)

* Berumur 18 hingga 65 tahun.Berat badan melebihi 45 kilogram.

* Tahap haemoglobin sekurang-kurangnya 12.5 peratus.

* Tidak menghidap penyakit kronik.

* Tidak minum alkohol 24 jam sebelum menderma.

* Tidak mengambil ubat antibiotik, kecuali dengan kebenaran doktor.

* Tidur melebihi lima jam pada malam sebelum hari menderma.
*nak highlight yang tu je sebenarnya* memang confirm2 la boleh derma sebab overslept. HAHA
p/s : thankyou for coming here on that day:)

Saturday, April 14, 2012

kerana tulip begitu berharga. :p

In the Name of Allah the Most Gracious and Merciful

tibe2 je fall in love with TULIP. 
haa ? tulip tu benda ?
err, bukan ke species bunga ke ?
anis syahirah suka bunga ? bia betik. 

tibe2 je suka gile tulip.
bagi la rose ke bunga matahari ke, bunga kembang pagi ke, bunga kertas ke, 
memang pandang sebelah mata je la.
tu pon kalau pandang. 
bau rose pon dah mcm nak pengsan.

tapi bile tgok tulip ni, rase nak pengsan pon ada. cantik sangat kot.

definitely tangkap cintan dengan tulip. as well as tangkap cintan dengan wildan. hehe :)

kenapa la mase g turkey tahun lepas tak jumpa pon tulip ni ? tsk tsk. ni yang nak g honeymoon kat holland pulak ni. boleh jugak g ladang tulip. :)

tulip ni ada banyak kaler. setiap kaler tu ada meaning dia. 

Red Tulips : The red tulips are used to express/declare love

White Tulips : Qualities such as purity, innocence and humility are associated with white tulips. The attribute of forgiveness also is used in reference with the white color. The quality of forgiveness therefore, naturally gets associated with white tulips. A bouquet of white tulips is therefore, suitable for the purpose of seeking forgiveness/apologizing. Remembrance and respect is displayed through white tulips; tulip flowers can however, also be used in funeral ceremonies.

Purple Tulips : The purple tulips are known for the quality of royalty

Pink Tulips : Use of pink tulips is not restricted to certain, specific occasions. The quality of perfect happiness is associated with these flowers. One can use these flowers at the time of offering best wishes. The pink and red tulips have somewhat similar meaning. Red ones are associated with romance, while the pink tulips can be used in displaying care and attachment.

Yellow Tulips : The yellow color is generally associated with friendship. However, many different meanings/values can be associated with yellow tulips. People tend to derive both positive and negative meanings out of the symbolism of yellow tulips. The yellow color represents brightness of sunshine. It is therefore, used to describe a person with radiant and bright smile. It is said that yellow tulips are used to symbolize rejection in love

tak pasal post pasal bunga. haha. jeles ngn peng punya pasal. ohoo, cuti seminggu pon p holland. untung laa family p sekali. :)

p/s : Dear Mr Blogie, sorry for ignoring you. Is not  that I dont love you but I just have a new Mr Twitter. hehe

Monday, April 9, 2012

In the Name of Allah the Most Gracious and Merciful

I need Allah,
And the hearts all over the world tonight.
I said there's hearts all over the world tonight

What can I do?
I need Allah,
And the hearts all over the world tonight.
I said there's hearts all over the world tonight

Wish I was smarter, when I was younger.
Found something better - made me a winner and,
I'm so glad to be Yours!
It's my life that you own.

I start my journey when You forgive me 
I swear my whole world stops.
You are in my heart and, I'm so glad that its fine 
You are One truly kind...

You lighten me!
(I) Feel it, through and through, and
For sure ya Rabbee, there ain't nothing You can't do!
Because if I got You,
I don't need money!
I don't need cars!
Lord, you're my all!

I'm into You my Lord,
No one else would do!
With every test you put me through,
the miracles, you help me do..
And now I know I can't be the only one,
I bet there's hearts all over the world tonight,
with the Love of their life who feel...what I feel when I'm

With You, with You, with You, with You, ya Rahman! 
With You, with You, with You, ya Raheem!

I don't want nobody else
Without You there's no one left and, 
the Master of judgment day,
I got to have Your love and I cannot do without,

If I got You,
I don't need money!
I don't need cars!
Lord, you're my all!

I'm into You my Lord,
No one else would do!
With every test you put me through,
the miracles, you help me do..

With You, with You, with You, with You, ya Rahman! 
With You, with You, with You, ya Raheem!

And I will never try to deny,
That You are my life,

Because if You ever let me go I would die!

So, I won't front!
I don't need another mission,
I just need you as my vision!
If I got You, I'll be straight,
Rabbee I need you every day!

I need Allah...
And the hearts all over the world tonight,
I said there's hearts all over the world tonight
What can I do?

I need Allah...
And the hearts all over the world tonight,
I said there's hearts all over the world tonight

Rab ighfirly
Fantal kareemuu!

Wa3fu ya rabbee
Fantar raheemuu!

With You, with You, with You, with You, ya Rahman! 
With You, with You, with You, ya Raheem!

this is indeed a beautiful lyrics. :)

p/s : I don`t have anything to offer you except for my ears. :))

Friday, April 6, 2012

In the Name of Allah the Most Gracious and Merciful

rase sakit tu tak kan pernah hilang. 
time will heal ? perhaps.
but not now.

cakap tak serupa bikin eh ? kfine
kalau tak confirm dapat tunaikan janji tersebut, jangan berjanji.
ok, bile baca balik msg dulu tu, automatik ada la titisan yang kua.
kenapa kau cakap seolah2 kau yakin kau dapat tunaikan janji kau ?

kenapa ? kenapa ? kenapa ?
 aku rase kalau kau tak buat janji macam tu, aku at least bole la kot terima this matter.
yang kau berjanji tu kenapaaaa ?

sekarang gedik nak timbulkan isu lain. gedik taw takkkkk ?