Saturday, April 21, 2012

final practical first year :)

In the Name of Allah the Most Gracious and Merciful

esok start exam practical final.

22th April 2012
Physiology Practical 

28th April 2012
Oral Histology Practical

5th May 2012
Anatomy Practical

dah rase bahang stress exam. moga tak stress sangat lah ye kali ni :)

dah tahu tak leh nak coop ngn stress, sila la beli chocs banyakbanyak ye :)
bak kate ada orang tu la kan, chocs increase level of serotonin, happy hormone.
senyum pon same. :))
overproduction of serotonin leads to euphoria. :D

*hypnotised diri sendiri*

rabbuna yusahhilna gigians.
Ya Allah, permudahkanlah urusan kami, jangan persulitkan. 
Rabbi yassir wala tua`ssir

moga Allah redha dengan segala usaha kami :)

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