Friday, January 11, 2013

short term memory loss

In the Name of Allah the Most Gracious and Merciful

I know this matter has settled. 
tapi takboleh nak get over laaa.
dissapointed with myself
why i cant remember that first song ?
kiciwa kiciwa

i dont even remember the title.
i have to search for this.
memang la anis syahirah ada this short term memory loss.

tibe tibe rasa rindu nak naik jip kak yoh g blaja driving.
rindu nak lepak ramai2. wuuu

I know I know I look like a negro at that time.
sekarang je putih sikit. 
eh ?

dulu punya la kutuk2 kak yoh ngn abe nor.
ye la bayangkan kua rumah kul 8 pg balik kul 5.
kalah keje opis you all. haha
kalau dah pandai drive waktu tu memang confirm2 p sendiri kat kmse.
but it was good time back then.
guys, dont you think kita kena tuntut janji ngn kak yoh kate nak buat bbq tu ?

but i think now we should err thank them ?

ok dengan muka tak malunya dulu mintak nak main psp.
ok soo thick-skinned.
apekah ?

ok, teringat insiden abe nor konon2 nak tinggal aku tepi jalan.
ada orang lain yang tolong kalut.

that yellow t-shirt with that smile :)

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