Tuesday, May 8, 2012

dream comes true perhaps ?

In the Name of Allah the Most Gracious and Merciful

speechless. tu laa jangan nak excited sangat awal2. tak jadi baru tahu. grr ! walaopon harapan senipis kulit bawang, I`ll consider that is not my rezeki yet.

aaa, nak qeyauu. the more I see the photos on the net, the more I wanna cry. oh tidakkkkk !!!!!

I wanna go there so desperatelyyyyyyyy


ok, I wrote these sentences 10 minutes ago before chu told me the happiest news ever. hehe. exaggarate gile.

thank you maaa for letting us go there. serious touching. :) balik peluk kuat kuat 

"kalu syerah g, g la mu nok g gak"

ayat chu,
you`re really her fav grandoter. guna name je dah bagi. wink wink ^^

so, saving mode is officially switched ON.


AzyanAaziz said...

so this is japan or korea?
maaf. x kenal. haha.
tahniah. :)

eiyrararara said...

this is korea, nami island. tempat winter sonata. hehe