Monday, July 1, 2013


In the Name of Allah the Most Gracious and Merciful

happy 13th XP

lambat sebab sekarang x layan laptop dah. ahaha. padahal internet lembab gile. 
sakit hati je online ngn laptop

exam is finished. phew. so skrg tgh cuak takut kena dhur. nauzubillah la kan :(

Friday, May 31, 2013

oh kenapa ?

In the Name of Allah the Most Gracious and Merciful

little did i know the presence of particular people could effect me so much.
haila, exam sebulan lagi kot.
macam mana nak survive ?
eh hello, jangan nak mengada sangat la anis syahirah.

aku dah langgar prinsip sendiri.
kenapa boleh nangis sebab that particular people ?

Tuesday, May 21, 2013


In the Name of Allah the Most Gracious and Merciful

finally a year.

oh btw, happy birthday Mak.
thank you for everything.
much love :)

Wednesday, May 8, 2013


In the Name of Allah the Most Gracious and Merciful

the moment when you cant tell anybody of what you feel,
just because you dont want to admit that you have it.

and it hurts.


Wednesday, April 24, 2013


In the Name of Allah the Most Gracious and Merciful

PMS dtg balik.
mixed feeling again.

stay silent is better sbb kalau aku ckp, mesti la org slh phm.
tak pon aku slh ckp.
atau pon aku ckp sparuh lps tu org slh phm
typical anis syahirah.

reminder utk diri sendiri yang mudah alpa.

dear FW,
I know I`ve been harsh on you.
I dont know what`s into me lately.
I`m sorry.
rasa diri tak berhati perut
i feel bad.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

wedding and #11

In the Name of Allah the Most Gracious and Merciful

11 april 2012
rombongan AsnanGamil ke Masjid Salam, Kaherah. bukan untuk solat jumaat kat situ tp untuk p majlis akad nikah Hafizah. woot2 madam pertama AsnanGamil. 2 hari sebelum tu, ada majlis berinai. dgr ucapan mak fizah,

`mak mana yang nak anak dia kawen awal. kalau boleh nk la anak tu habes study dulu, kerja ape semua tu. tapi bila hafizah kol cakap kat makcik, mama, kakak dah buat istikarah. dialah jodoh fizah. hati ibu mana yang tak tersentuh`

terus mencurah2 air mata. malu woit. dah la pengantin sndri yang nampak. wawawa. bukan nak nangis pon. sebak lps tu air mata ni x menahan nk kua. wakaka. tu baru hafizah yang kawen. kalau Azyan ke Afifah ke Ain ke yang kawen, mau banjir satu tanta. hahaha. ok korang, stick kat deal rumah. jgn kawen smpai habis blaja.

actually post ni patutnya dah seminggu dah tulis karang ape semua. tapi malas gilaaaaaaa nk bukak laptop. skrg ni on guna ipod je. smart phone takde maklum la kan. hahha. bila dah basi post ni, mmg x panjang la kan karang pon. hahaha. barakallahu lakuma fizah dan ustaz ipar. semoga bahagia hingga ke jannatul firdausi.

so AsnanGamil yang lain, bole la cop nombor lain pulak. 1 down 45 more to go. hikhik. coming soonnnn ramai lagi ni. hahha.

minggu depan, penuh dngn xm practical. hari ahad tu, practical oral patho yang sgt banyak slidenyaaa. hari isnin tu, ada 3 xm. practical ortho, quiz carry mark prostho, practical prostho. maka, arwah laaaa minggu depan. jom nangis bersama2.

eh btw, happy 11th. :) long journey to go.

Friday, March 22, 2013

off aizat.

In the Name of Allah the Most Gracious and Merciful

it is okay if you don`t get straight A`s. it is just a number. I know you did well. I know you`ve worked hard.ok, define hard in Aizat`s way. hahaha.

being a badminton player at school, a class monitor for 5 years (naik kelas baru pon orang lantik ketua lagi -.-'), chief editor for school magazine (satu family x caya budak ni jadi ketua redaksi hahah) bla bla bla, the result is not bad. it is not ! 5A out of 9 is not bad. macam orang dpt 7 A daripada 11 subjek yang di ambik. macam tu je perumpaan nye. hahah.

kakak jeles ngn aizat sbb aizat inherit trait drpd abah. trait abah yang confident, boleh ckp kat depan bla bla bla. i`m glad that I have you as my brother. meh la dtg mesir boleh teman kakak g umrah. mahram mahram. hahahha. lol, ayat takde kesinambungan langsung. hahha.

mak cakap tak nak bg aizat dtg overseas. hahahha. kakak says tak payah laa. duk mesia je. u kat mesia pon ok sgt dahhh. aku tahu je mak tak bg aizat g jauh2. ye la aku dah jauh dr mesia, kalau aizat study jauh2, tinggal la mak ngn abah je kat umahh. sedihnyaaaa. abah dah la bukannya lekat kat umah sgt. asyik2 burung je. haha kesian gile mak. nk g shopping pon payah. -.-' mak, tunggu ye 2.5 tahun je lagi and i`ll be back home for good. amboiiii hehe

sekian, untuk kali ini. malas nak taip. byk je lagi nak cakap. till then, baiiii